Neil Dino

Web Developer

About Me

Neil at Atletico National Futbol game Medellin

Hello, I am Neil Dino I am an aspiring Full-Stack WebDeveloper. My coding Journey started in March 2020 during the begining of the COVID-19 pandemic. Before that I was a sales professional who decided at a very untimely moment start my own Solar Brokerage right at the begining of 2020. At that time I decided I was tired of the ups and downs of sales and set about to learn something new while my work was at a standstill. I enrolled in UC Berkeley Extension's Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp. I am excited for the journey ahead of me and can't wait to learn all the skills to thrive in the tech industry. My goal is to gain full time employment as a developer either remotely or in Denver, Colorado while keeping my entrepreneural spirit alive and working on my side projects on the weekends!

My Work

The Craver


Solar Beat


Cuda Ridge Schduler



NodeJS, Express, MySQL

Great Project

Stuff I'll Learn

Contact Info

(925)495-9681 GitHub LinkedIn